Class 8. Stat701 Fall 1997
Multiple regression, transformation and prediction.
From last time:
prediction in regression.
Todays class.

- For next time read Berndt 3.1 - 3.6. Look for ideas and models, not
necessarily derivations.

- Transformation ideas

- Upside: make life easy both practically
(problems may evaporate, e.g. outliers become less severe) and
theoretically (normal theory results, t-tests, p-values are credible)

- Downside: may be hard to interpret

- Rationale:

- Symmetry - ``middle'' well defined

- Easier to compare with normal (ie heavy tailed).

- Methodology may require symmetry (ie normal theory)

- Facilitates comparisons between observations that are on
the same scale but far apart, (ie changes in Microsoft sales
and changes in Apples).

- May be more interpretable - aid in decision making. Unit
costs rather than total costs.

- May put data onto a more useful scale, ie transform proportions
with a logit transform.

- Can make comparisons easier by stabilizing variance

- Can transform to obtain additivity (ie Cobb-Douglas)

- Interaction may only be present due to modeling on the wrong scale,
so that transformation erases the need for interaction.
A family of transforms - the power transforms
Stretching the axis differentially.
Unfortunately does not include ln.
Fix up: consider
Take the limit as
and you get ln(z).
Need to know the shape of these curves. Also see the bulging rule
The most commonly used is probably the log-transform.

- Good interpretability in terms of percentage changes.

- Turns multiplicative relationships into additive ones.
Models from Chapter 3.
The learning curve model
Allows you to investigate the impact of learning on production costs.
= unit costs of production in time period t. -
= unit costs of production in time period 1. -
= cumulative units of output produced up to time period t. -
= elasticity of unit cost with respect to cumulative volume. -
= stochastic disturbance term (we call it
Rewrite in log form to get an ``additive model''.
The cost function derived from a Cobb-Douglas production function
Allows you to estimate returns to scale.
Assuming a cost minimizing producer.
Production function.
Cost function.
r is returns to scale. C is total cost.
are partial returns to
Richard Waterman
Mon Sep 29 23:51:22 EDT 1997