Discrete distributions
- Admistrivia:
- Extra problems to do for "fun"
- You should 5.1 - 5.3 carefully
- Collect homework 4
- Passout homework 4 solutions
Bernoulli trials and binomial distributions
- Opinion poll: God exists vs God doesn't exist
- Call a 10 people and ask: are you G or D?
- Series might look like: D,D,D,G,D,G,G,D,G,D
- Let pi = P(God) and 1 - pi = P(D)
- Prob of series is: pi*pi*pi*(1-pi)*pi*...*pi
- How many series have exactly 6 "Gods" out of 10 trials? 10
choose 6.
- Better opinion poll: Don't ask the same person twice!
- Ask 10 out of 120 Ph.D. students in math department at U. MD.
- Suppose 55 actually believe in God, 65 don't
- Prob of getting 6 out of 10 believing in God?
- counting posibilites:
- From the 55 choose 6 (ways of getting God fearing)
- From the 65 choose 4 (ways of getting heathens)
- From the 100 choose 10 (ways of getting anybody)
- Days until I get run over by a bus. Notice it is the first
time it happens that is important to me, not the second time.
- Success = run over
- P(Success) = pi
- What I hope for:
Negative binomial
- Days until I get "car door'ed" twice. At which point I learn
not to ride in the door lane.
- (1-pi)*(1-pi)*...*pi*.....*(1-pi)*pi
- Look up formula if you need it
Discuss means and variances of each type
- Binomial: mean = n(pi), var = n(pi)(1-pi)
- Hypergeometric: mean = n(pi)(1-pi), var = n(pi)(1 - pi) (N-n)/(N-1)
- Geometric: mean = 1/pi, var = (1 - pi)/pi2
- Negative binomial: k/pi, var = k(1 - pi)/pi2
Last modified: Mon Nov 1 08:33:14 EST 1999