Stat 101: Estimation
- Admistrivia
- Homework due last day of class
Introduction to Estimation and Confidence intervals
- Suppose your assistant come screaming into your office and
says: "We have gone out of bounds on the control chart!"
- Yikes! How bad is it?
- Is going off any control chart equally bad?
- It would be a big change if it went off the daily control
- It would be a very small change if it went off the annual
control chart.
- Both require corrective actions, but they differ.
- Speed is of the importance for the daily problem--whereas
accuracy is of importance for the annual chart.
- Confidence intervals try to capture this concept.
- Two pieces: best guess and accuracy
- Today we will study the idea of good guessing
- Tomarrow we study accuracy
- Guessing = estimation
- Estimate the width of a wire
- Situation: Manufacturing memory. One important "wire
width" should be about 50 nm.
- Data: We use an atomic force microscope to measure widths
several times aday.
- Goal: Guess average width for all chips manufactured
- estimator 1 = ave of 10 measurements made today
(X1 + ... + X10)/10
- Estimator 2 = ave of 1000 measurements made over the
past 100 days
- Estimator 2 could be biased
- Estimators are random variables!
- Estimators have distributions, means, variances
- Unbiased: E(estimator) = truth
- What if there are many unbiased estimators to choose from?
(mean, median, max+min/2 all are unbiased)
- Picking the one with the smallest standard deviation is called
picking the "most efficient" estimator
- Consistent
- Is the estimator close when n is large?
- Example: using the median to estimate mu in an
exponential. Median --> half life which doesn't equal
the mean.
Last modified: Mon Nov 29 09:13:46 EST 1999