Stat 101: Confidence intervals for the binomial
Homework due Friday by Noon.
Confidence intervals for binomials
Gallup Poll: Forecast the presidential outcome
Not good enough to merely pick the winner.
The actual fraction is important also.
CI = p +/- 1.96 sqrt(p(1-p)/n)
Literary Digest (Roosevelt vs Landon, 1936)
Largest opinion poll ever taken: 2.4 million
LD had been correct in every electin shince 1916
Predicted Roosevelt would get 42%
CI = 42% +/- .0006
Actual answer 62% for Roosevelt
sampling list came from: club membership lists, phone books (1/4 had phones)
Called "Selection bias"
Gallup predicted results using 50,000 people
Typical current Gallup polls (see overhead)
Problem: hard to find voters
Confidence intervals for small samples
Problem: Manufacture good beer
Solution: sample beer for various chemicals to see if it is done yet
Difficulty: don't want to drink up all the beer!
Solution: only take two observations
Suppose we want 99.8% accuracy, so we use +/- 3 SE's
What happens? Try it in JMP.
Last modified: Mon Dec 6 13:21:36 EST 1999