Stat 101: Confidence intervals
Confidence intervals--calculating them
- CI = estimate +/- 2 * SE
- SE is the standard deviation of the estimate
- Example: X-bar
- SE = SD(X-bar) = sigma/sqrt(n)
- So, CI = X-bar +/- 2 sigma/sqrt(n)
- Consider hits on my life calculator web page
- Average age = 28.6, s = 19, n = 271
- s/sqrt(n) = 1.15
- CI = 28.6 +/- 2.3
- CI = [26.3,29.9]
- How do we interpret this?
- Interpretation: mu = average over year, CI constructed from one month
- Naive interpretation: 95% chance that mu is in [26.3,29.9]
- Classical interpretation: Interval is random and covers 95% of the time
- Technical details
- If sigma is known use it: X-bar +/- 2 sigma/sqrt(n)
- If sigma isn't known use st: X-bar +/- 2 s/sqrt(n)
- Estimating proportions: pi-hat +/- 2 sqrt(pi(1-pi)/n)
Do we always use 2?
- For the MBA's, we always use 2
- For more sophisticated audiences--we use variants on 2
- Example: 99.8% coverage needs 3
- Example: 2/3 coverage needs 1
- Example: exactly 95% needs 1.964
- example: Psychological intervals are usually 50% which need +/- .67
- Other distributions require other numbers
- We will look at the t-distribution next time
Last modified: Wed Dec 1 10:08:28 EST 1999