Statistics 701: Ponzironi
Statistics 701: Ponzironi
HW2 due next thursday
. I'll probably be updating these notes over the next few days. But the first 10 pages won't change very much.
What is a Ponzi scheme?
Sometimes called pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing schemes, airplane schemes, sometimes called simply mail-fraud
Start with 100 investors. All give 100 dollars.
Each month find 10 new investors to each give 100 dollars.
Pay this new money to the existing investors
Keep finding new investors each month.
Once you can't find anyone else new the scheme is said to crash
Our goal: fake a Ponzi scheme (legally?)
First story: Mathnet
send out 64 emails: 32 forcasting market up 32 forcasting market down
send out 32 emails to those who we got right in first rund: 16 up 16 down
send out 16 emails: 8 up 8 down
send out 8 emails: 4 up 3 down
send out 4 emails: 2 up 2 down
send out 2 emails: 1 up 1 down
Now send out email asking for money for next forecast
Second story: starting many Hedge funds
Start 64 hedge funds: 32 leverage market up, 32 leverage market fall
Fold losing 32
Of 32 winners: 16 leverage market up, 16 leverage market fall
Fold losing 16
Last 6 month track record: doubling every month
Show track record to very rich person--ask for one million dollar investment
Third story: Search through database
Start with 64 rules for picking a stock (think leveraged)
Each month or two kill off the bottom 1/2 of the rules
After a year or so, you have one rule that has grown spictularilly
How big might the t-statistic be following such a scheme?
Suppose you do n different tests
Bonferonni p-value = n * regular p-value
If JMP won't do it for you, use sqrt(2 log(n)) for significance
If you require Bonferonni significance, you will rarely fall into the trap of 3rd story.
Last modified: Tue Oct 7 08:55:15 EDT 2003