Anyone figure out how to get JMP to do a trimmed mean?
Read chapter 1 of Myers Read sections 2.1-3, 2.9
Regression introduction
Basic structure and goals (chapter 1)
Y = beta0 + beta1 X1 + ... + betap Xp + epsilon
Causation (see talk this afternoon: 4:30 Paul Holland
111 Annenburg. A "big gun.")
The betas might actually be interesting themselves
We will focus on how to tell if your regression is statistically legitimate
Leave you to decide if it makes any sceintific sense
Simple linear regression (Chapter 2 from Myers)
Basic structure
Simple means only 1 x variable (called independent variables,
but I rarely use that termonology.)
slope and intercept/centercept
Least squares
minimize sum (y - y-hat)2
minimize sum (y - b0 + b1 X)2
Now define c = b0 + Y-bar - b1
X-bar is the deviation from the centercept.
b1 = Sxy/Sxx
c = 0
b0 = Y-bar - b1 X-bar
Don't leave anything on the table approach:
residuals = (y - y-hat) shouldn't be predicatable from X
Residuals should have zero mean
So residuals should be uncorrelated with X
E(Y - b0 - b1) = 0
Cov(Y - b0 - b1 X,X) = 0
See book for how to derive standard errors
E(estimate) = true paramenter (unbiased)
Var(slope) = sigma2/Sxx
Var(centercept) = sigma2/n
Var(intercept) = sigma2(1/n + x-bar2//Sxx)
Estimate the error by MSE
Using JMP and bluging rule
Display (A lage chain of liquor
stores would like to konw how much display space in its stores
to devote to a new wine. Management believes that most
products generate about $50 in sales per linear shelf-foot per