STAT 541: Poisson Regression
Statistics 541: Poisson Regression
Read section 7.5 and 7.6
Any questions about the project so far?
Poisson RV review
If time involved: e
E(Y) = mu (or t*mu)
Var(Y) = mu (or t*mu)
Y is approximately normal if mean is large
So we could use weighted least squares since variance depends only on the mean which we will have to know anyway.
Note: We don't have to estimate the variance unlike regular regression
Poisson regression model
E(Y) = X beta
E(Y) = t * X beta (if using time)
E(Y) = exp
X beta
E(Y) = t * exp
X beta
(if using time)
Called "link function"
Y = X beta + Z where E(Z) = 0, var(Z) = X beta
Y/E(Y) = X beta/E(Y) + Z where E(Z) = 0, var(Z) = 1
So as long as we know E(Y) we can estimate E(Y) using regression
IRLS to the rescue
Works when mean is large and poisson looks like a normal distribution
Poisson likelihood (no regression case)
goal is maximize: product e
same as maximize: sum -mu + y log(mu) - log y!
max at: sum (-1 + y/mu) = 0
max at: mu-hat = sum(y)/n
Poisson likelihood (regression case)
If mu is a function of beta, say mu = t X beta
maximize: sum -t X beta + y log(t X beta) - log y!
max is at: sum -t X + y /(X beta) * X = 0
max is at: sum (Y - Y-hat)/(y-hat) * X = 0
close to: sum (Y - Y-hat)/(sigma-hat) * X = 0
Which is exactly weighted least squares (IRLS)
Again, we don't have to estimate the variance
Poisson likelihood (regression with link function)
If mu is a function of beta, say mu = exp
t X beta
Usually written: ln(E(Y)) = t X beta
maximize: sum -exp
t X beta
+ y t X beta - log y!
max is at: sum -t X exp
t X beta
+ y t X = 0
max is at: sum (Y - Y-hat) * t X = 0
Since Y-hat is non-linear this isn't as easy as it appears
Last modified: Wed Mar 7 13:45:06 2001