To generate a sandwich estimate of a SE in JMP do the following:
Run the multiple regression like usual
Save the leverage plots
this generates 2 columns for each of your leverage plots
One column is the Y of the plot the other is the X of
the plot
Check this by doing a simple regression.
Center the X and Y for the variable you want to estimate
You will have to create new columns
Just subtract off the mean
Now you can compute the beta-hat by averaging the
product of these two columns divided by the average of
the square of the X column. Check this by creating a
product column and the square column averaging and dividing.
Compute the variance by sum(LX2
Use the product column you create above, call it P.
sum(p2) is simple the mean squared plus the
variance of P.
A simillar argument works for LX.
Alternatevly you can use a formula: sum(p2)sum(LX2)