STAT 541: Bankruptcy
Statistics 541: Bankruptcy
lots of data from x=1..3, little data for x=4..6, but interested in x=4..6
Should we use all the data? Or just the data from 4..6?
Using all the data assumes the model holds everwhere
Borrows strength. Generates a good null distribution.
Maybe then: extropolate 1..3 to generate y-hat-linear. Then regression on Y-y-hat-linear. Advantage, uses all data, but doesn't use it very much.
Bad idea: simply use all the data. Basically the same as only using the data from 1..3
Fit on what your criterion is going to be
Point made by George Easton: robust estimators should be evaluated with robust losses
Thinking about how you would validate an estimator helps focus your mind on what you are trying to accomplish
Efficiency says to fit based on statistical loss, not economic loss: This requires the model to be correc so it is taking a risk and isn't robust
Often a good idea to fit based on the criterion you are going to evalute with--this is a robust technique
Lots of fun research on it. (see
calibration and no-regret
) Fun at least to me!
Example: Bankruptcy
the problem:
forecast bankruptcies based on things credit card companies know.
not an economic model
prediction is goal and not estimating the parameters
millions of person-months of observations
1000s of bankruptcies
100 basic variables --> 67000 interactions, and dummies for missing values
Economic loss
Ideally, classification, with abolute error loss
Most interested in classifying people close to 5% chance of bankruptcy than people close to .001% chance.
closer to squared error than to weighted error
Most people don't go bankrupt
Most (as in 90%) people have a forecast of .001 or less
weighting the heavily would lead to an extrapolation error
Our criterion then is quadratic loss, better would be weighted quadratic loss weighting by importance of the person.
Searching for independence
repeated measurements on each person
GEE is right answer.
we took only one obseravtion per person as our cheat
Impressive graph: show lift chart page 7
Creation of the 67000 variables (dummies, interactions)
White estimator for hetroskadasticity
Variable selection (Bonferonni = 2 log p, we used 2 log p/q)
Page 31 graph is in sample
page 32 is out of sample
Last modified: Tue Apr 24 09:00:27 2001