Homework 6. Stat 540.
Enable a user to submit data over the WEB, run a statistical routine
on the server, and return the output of that routine to the user.
The idea, is that the routine implements your research methodology,
but we will start with the methodology being simple linear regression!
- An HTML interface page that allows a user to run a linear
regression, (R commands lm and summary will be
needed). It must have an input area in which the user identifies the
URL of their dataset. It must have the ability to take at least one
argument to pass to the R script, for example the ability to return
the predicted values or the residuals from the regression fit.
As usual, I should be able to easilly get to your interface page from your home page.
- A cgi perl script that receives the request, parses the passed
parameters, (returns predicted values etc) fetches the data, runs the R
process and returns the results. Results can be easily shown using the
For good measure, add some key R links to your homepage.
Note: you might find some of the samples from by directory useful