Solving least squares equations - the QR decomposition.


Write the squared length of a vector x as tex2html_wrap_inline23 .

The least squares estimator tex2html_wrap_inline25 solves the problem:


Which linear combination of the covariates is ``closest'' to the observed data, Y?

Define the squared length of the residual vector as the residual sum of squares (RSS), and tex2html_wrap_inline31 as RSS/(n-p).

Define an tex2html_wrap_inline35 matrix to be orthogonal if Q satisfies (for any vector)


Orthogonal transformations preserve length.

We can do a transformation on a regression problem:




Due to the length preservation of Q and the fact that we are doing a least squares problem means that a solution to one is a solution to the other.

Can we choose Q to make the problem simpler and more stable?

Choose Q so that the upper tex2html_wrap_inline45 block of tex2html_wrap_inline47 is upper triangular and the lower tex2html_wrap_inline49 block is all zeroes.



and only the first part depends on tex2html_wrap_inline53 , giving


which can be solved recursively without inversion.

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Richard Waterman
Fri Feb 5 08:18:39 EST 1999