Homework 3. Stat 540

  1. Homepage development. Explore the WEB to identify a set of core Perl links. Add these links to your homepage. Spend about 30 minutes on this.

  2. Write a subroutine that takes the random sample of colors and displays them as a row in an HTML table. It should look similar to the table you made for the last homework. (Don't forget to output the HTTP header as well).
  3. Write a subroutine that compares 2 lists; a code list and a guess at the code. Your subroutine should return 2 numbers, the number of exact matches and the number of colors that are correct but in the wrong place. The code list should be of length 4 and composed of the 6 possible colors, as should the "guess list". Include this subroutine in a file called "compare.pl" in your cgi-bin directory. Make sure that this script is both readable and executable by the world.

    It will be a really good idea to write out your algorithm before programming it.

    As test cases the following codes and guesses should return the following 2 numbers.

                              Correct color and      Correct color but
    CODE       GUESS          in the right place.    wrong place.
    R G Y L    R R R R        1                      0
    R R Y L    L Y R L        1                      2
    G Y L L    L L G Y        0                      4

  4. Pretty up your home page. Exactly what this means is subject to personal interpretation.

  5. Write a form and perl script that asks the user their name, age, favorite color, favorite type of music, sex, continents the person has been to, and a 5 other questions of your choice. The name should be done as a text field, the music should be done from a list of choices, the continents should be done with radial buttons. The other you can do what ever makes sense.

    You should then print out the information they entered so they can check that they did it correctly. Add a suggestion that they use "back" if they made an error.

  6. Run "cvs log" on each of your files. Read the messages and see if they make any sense to you now. Print out your longest log. (Obviously there isn't any hurry on that since it has dates inbedded in the log. So by definition, it can't be late.)