Stat 112 Project

You may work on this project in groups of two or three people. You will collect a survey and then analyze your data. Then you will analyze the data using JMP. Finally you will write up a report on what you found. Each of these three pieces will be separately collected.
Due March 9th

Give me a list of your group and a sentence or two describing your proposed project. (Not for grade, but for feedback). Provide an email address of one of people in the group. (We will only email you if there is something major that needs to be changed or discussed. Feel free to turn this in early--then you will get better feed back.)

Due March 23rd (or March 28th)

Your group should turn in a one page typed description of what you will collect. Say what it is you want to predice (i.e. your Y variable) and what you will use to predict it (i.e. your X variables). You should have between 7 and 20 X variables. Describe how you will collect it. (phone calls, standing on Locust walk, etc.)

Attach a copy of the survey you plan on using to collect these variables.

Due April 18th

Collect your data. If you have two people in your group, aim for about 100 subjects, but make sure you have at least 50 usable subjects. If you have three people, aim for about 150, but make sure you have at least 100 usable subjects. If you don't use enough data, you will end up not having any results to report. Type your data into a spread sheet. Load this spread sheet into JMP.

Write a one page typed summary of your statistical findings. Say what variables you will use and describe your best fitting equation is. Attach copies of JMP output. (The attached JMP output can look kinda ugly at this stage.) My primary goal is to make sure that you have finished the statistical analysis at least a week before you write up your results. is the least important.

Due April 25th

Write up your findings (typed of course). This should include the following:
  1. An abstract of your project (75 words or fewer).
  2. An introduction to the science of your project.
  3. A methods section which discusses how you analyzed the data with graphs and tables.
  4. A conclusions section.

The breakdown for the four parts will be 0%, 30%, 20% and 50% respectively.

Last modified: Wed Mar 22 12:27:34 2000