Multiple testing
- Administrivia:
- Bring your surveys next time if you can collect data
from 112 students
Estimating contrasts
- Consider our managers again:
coefficient | estimate | SE |
Intercept | 20 | 5 |
Manager[A-C] | 10 | 20 |
Manager[B-C] | 5 | 20 |
- Write the equation for each manager
- What is the difference between Manager A and manager C?
- Suppose manager C was "new" and had only done 10 jobs, but
manager A and B had each done 1000 jobs.
- Then [A-C] has a large SE, and [B-C] has a large SE
- But, [A-B] has a very small SE say SE = 1.
- Is [A-B] significant? We can't tell.
- What is the standard error of [A-B]? We can't tell.
- We COULD change the name of manager B to by ZZZ. Then JMP would
tell us the answer.
- Not such a bad idea when there are three--but what if there
were 10?
Broken glassware
- We are moving our appartment from NJ to Philly this week
- Hence, breakage of glassware is on the mind
- There are many different ways you could pack glassware:
- A: pack in peanuts by owner
- B: pack in paper by owner
- C: Pack in clothes or other soft stuff by owner
- D: Pack in orginal shipping box by owner
- E: pack in paper by shipper
- F: pack in foam by shipper
- List contrasts: A-B, A-C, A-D, A-E, A-F, B-C, B-D, B-E, B-F,
C-D, C-E, C-F, D-E, D-F, E-F.
- Why don't we need B-A? We can compute it by looking at minus
- number of contrasts: p(p+1)/2
- Even more comparisons than in regression!
- Tukey solved this problem also (same Tukey of the bulging rule)
Last modified: Thu Apr 6 10:48:09 2000