What if your Y-variable is categorical?
- Administrivia:
- Discussion of writting up project
- Extra office hours by Nuria: 10 - 1 April 26 and 27th.
- medical: live/die (cured or not)
- psychological: clasification of mental health (but could be on a scale)
- in class: Fake-IDs (yes, or no -- maybe doesn't make sense)
- economics: buy/don't buy
How to deal with it
- Ignore it (code zeros and ones)
- Advantage: just like regular regression
- Advantage: graphs, leverage plots, usual intepretations
- Disadvantage: Oops, negative probabilities (and great than 1)
- Disadvantage: Inefficient, and incorrect SE's so incorrect t's
- Logistic solution (call it "nominal"--code with letters)
- Advantage: moral high ground
- disadvantage: bad graphics
- Logistic regression details
- Curve instead of straight line
- P(y) = exp(x)/(1 + exp(x))
- P(y)/(1-P(y)) = exp(x) (odds ratio)
- log(P(y)/(1-P(y))) = x (log-odds ratio == logit for short)
JMP example
Last modified: Thu Apr 20 12:21:01 2000