Stat 112: Residuals and JMP IN
- Administrivia:
- Office hours: Nuria Wednesday 11-12, Michael Thursday
- outcome = fit + residual
- equivalently: pattern + noise
- science is interested in the fit/pattern
- Statistics studies the resudual/noise
- the residuals shouldn't have any pattern to them
- draw ideal, curvature, heteroskadasticity
- JMP IN of
- 2.10, plot, positive/negative association, males vs females?
- 2.19 Color the plot. Symbol the plot. What is your guess
of correlation for men and women? Mean for men and women?
Kgs/lbs change the correlation?
- 2.49 Y = a + bX. change to lbs, what is the slope? Mean of
- Find the forecast for your weight. (atheletes = 90% lean,
male average 80%, female 70%.)
- Residuals of metobolic data
- Use fit model. Then use $ to save the residuals.
- Look for patterns--men vs. women (click on men in the
histogram of men and all men will flash in the residual
- Look at histogram of residuals
Last modified: Tue Feb 1 09:53:41 EST 2000